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Unlocking Literacy in Every Subject: Tools for Secondary and Upper Elementary Teachers will dive into ways that teachers can build reading skills in ALL courses, not just ELA. Learn techniques for supporting below-grade-level readers, multilingual learners, and increasing reading comprehension. Paid at the hourly PD rate.
Mandatory Training for Elementary ELPAC Site Facilitators and Case Managers/Teachers that will be administering the Summative Alternate ELPAC.
Intended Audience: High School ILS & ACTT Teachers. N2Y’s Unique Learning System: Alternative Pathway Course Training for High School ILS Teachers & ACTT - The presenter will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the Alternative Pathway Course that is available now to our high school ILS teachers. PD Rates apply.
Please do not sign up unless you KNOW you can complete both parts one and two within the time-frame given.
This is a Blended CPR class, where participants watch the video online on their own time and then attend an in-person skills check-off. After completion of both the online video (Part 1, 3 hours) and in-person skills check-off (Part 2, 2.5 hours), you will then be issued your CPR certification, which is good for 2 years. You MUST complete Part 1 before attending Part 2. Please do not sign up unless you KNOW you can complete both parts one and two within the time-frame given. ***Video links, etc will be emailed during office hours once you have signed up for this class.***
This virtual course will provide participants with an overview of the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) process to assess escalating student behavior and strategies to respond in a manner that is likely to decrease escalation in the situation.  Participants will engage with the course content via online chat, group discussions, and video practice exercises.  Please note:  To create an effective learning environment,  participants will be required to turn cameras on and actively participate to be recorded as in attendance for the training.
Participants will be paid the hourly PD rate and is open to certificated and classified staff. More
Required in-person skills check off.
This is an exciting opportunity for our secondary math teachers. You will have 5 total release days to work with Chase Orten, from the Building Thinking Classrooms team. Each session will be filled with valuable experiences and information to support you in your thinking classroom journey. Please sign up for ONE of the August dates that are offered. This is for ALL secondary math teachers, gen ed and SpEd, as this tackles pedagogical practices. You will leave with something you can do with your students the next day!!
Session 4: Jan. 28, 29, or 30.
This required course is for Principals, Activities Directors, and Athletic Directors Asst Principals may attend and are optional.
The Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) is pleased to offer a workshop on how to maintain an effective and complete student body program. This workshop focuses on information district staff need to maintain fiscal accountability, legal compliance, transparency and accuracy in their student body accounts. This workshop is paid for by the Fiscal Dept. More
This is an exciting opportunity for our secondary math teachers. You will have 5 total release days to work with Chase Orten, from the Building Thinking Classrooms team. Each session will be filled with valuable experiences and information to support you in your thinking classroom journey. Please sign up for ONE of the August dates that are offered. This is for ALL secondary math teachers, gen ed and SpEd, as this tackles pedagogical practices. You will leave with something you can do with your students the next day!!
Session 4: Jan. 28, 29, or 30.
Grade 7 ELA teachers will finalize new novel/text selections for the district. Teachers will collaborate to build frameworks for new unit plans with resources for teachers.